Fiche Actualité
Carl Emery rencontre Billy Murray pour tenter de signer le combat de l'année!
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Le promoteur de kickboxing Carl Emery a rencontré son ami et homologue de Belfast, Billy Murray pour parler du gala de kickboxing de l'année qui aura lieu le 1er décembre 2008 au
prestigieux Waterfront Hall
Belfast connection!
L'ancien champion du monde et promoteur de kickboxing Carl Emery a fait un voyage éclair aujourd'hui à Belfast pour visiter le site du Waterfront Hall.
Le co-fondateur de "The Peace Fighters - Kickboxing for Peace", association pour l'aide aux enfants défavorisés, a pris part à d'intensives négociations avec Billy Murray pour décrocher une chance
pour son poulain, le Rwandais de Genève Patrick Kinigamizi, de combattre Gary "Belfast Child" Hamilton pour le titre professionnel mondial des poids légers de full contact kickboxing. Très
prochainement, plus de détails sur ces discussions et sur leur dénouement. D'autre combattant du Team Genève devraient prendre part à ce que les spécialistes qualifie d'ores et déjà comme l'événement
de l'année du monde des sports "pieds-poings".
"" width="200" /> Les promoteurs Emery et Murray devant le Waterfront Hall de Belfast.
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Former Swiss World Champion and powerhouse kickboxing promoter Carl Emery hit the sites today whilst in Belfast on a whistle stop tour.
More on the outcome between Murray and Emery at a later date along with all the latest news on the Waterfront bill.
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Swiss powerhouse kickboxing promoter Carl Emery meets with Belfast Billy Murray today at the Waterfront hall
Swiss Roll Into Town
Former Swiss World Champion and powerhouse kickboxing promoter Carl Emery hit the sites today whilst in Belfast on a whistle stop tour.
The Co-founder of the ‘Fighting for Peace Kickboxing initiative’ for under privileged kids - had intensive negotiations with Belfast’s Billy Murray on the possible super fight for
Rwandan Patrick Kinigimazi now fighting out of Switzerland and Belfast’s very own WKN featherweight World Full-Contact champion Gary Hamilton.
More on the outcome between Murray and Emery at a later date along with all the latest news on the Waterfront bill.
Big Talk In Little Belfast
"" width="200" /> Swiss powerhouse kickboxing promoter Carl Emery jokes with Belfast's Billy Murray at the Waterfront Hall Image
Former Swiss World Champion and powerhouse kickboxing promoter Carl Emery hit the sites today whilst in Belfast on a whistle stop tour.
More on the outcome between Murray and Emery at a later date along with all the latest news on the Waterfront bill
The Race Is On
"" width="200" /> Former World Champions Carl Emery and Billy Murray are really powerhouses in kickboxing promotions??. Image Description
The Co-founder of the ‘Fighting for Peace Kickboxing initiative’ for under privileged kids - had intensive negotiations with Belfast’s Billy Murray on the possible super fight for
Rwandan Patrick Kinigimazi now fighting out of Switzerland and Belfast’s very own WKN featherweight World Full-Contact champion Gary Hamilton.
More on the outcome between Murray and Emery at a later date along with all the latest news on the Waterfront bill
"Kickboxing promoter Billy Murray goes through the seat planner with the Waterfront Hall's Helen Morrison and Simon Magill - and Pictured here is world Champion Gary Hamilton who will be on the event"
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"Kickboxing promoter Billy Murray goes through the seat planner with the Waterfront Hall's Helen Morrison and Simon Magill - and Pictured here is world Champion Gary Hamilton who will be on the event"
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"Kickboxing promoter Billy Murray goes through the seat planner with the Waterfront Hall's Helen Morrison and Simon Magill - and Pictured here is world Champion Gary Hamilton who will be on the event"
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"Kickboxing promoter Billy Murray goes through the seat planner with the Waterfront Hall's Helen Morrison and Simon Magill - and Pictured here is world Champion Gary Hamilton who will be on the event"
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"Kickboxing promoter Billy Murray goes through the seat planner with the Waterfront Hall's Helen Morrison and Simon Magill - and Pictured here is world Champion Gary Hamilton who will be on the event"
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